Our values

HPL Engineering : concepteur et fabriquant de matériel hydromécanique

A committed company that listens to its customers

As a designer and manufacturer of hydromechanical equipment, HPL Engineering develops and patents its own technologies to adapt to customer requirements and market trends. At HPL Engineering, quality is more than just an objective; it’s a value in its own right.

Enhancing the local industrial fabric

We have always believed that it is essential to contribute in our own way to the dynamism of local industry, by maintaining know-how and developing new skills on our territory. As a family-run company, HPL Engineering relies as much as possible on French suppliers and partners to pursue its growth and satisfy its national and international customers.

A commitment to manufacturing made in France

HPL Engineering has chosen to maintain its entire production line in Savoie, just a few kilometers from Lac d’Aiguebelettes. The aim is to preserve the region’s technical know-how and offer hydromechanical equipment made in France. This guarantees a high level of quality, thanks to total control of the manufacturing process.
HPLEngineering : fabrication en France
HPLEngineering : innovations environnementales en Rhône-Alpes

Preserving water: a commitment for seven decades

Better control of water consumption is a key issue for our territories. That’s why our company has been committed to developing environmentally-friendly innovations for 70 years. By designing and manufacturing high-performance hydromechanical equipment, we enable optimized and more responsible use of water, for the benefit of all.
Our experience and skills in water management have been recognized for over 70 years in France and abroad. This is the fruit of our know-how and constant quest for innovation, but also and above all the reflection of the values inherent in the life of our company: quality, reliability and responsiveness.

Solutions adapted to your needs

Thanks to its design office and manufacturing workshop, HPL Engineering can support you in the completion of complex hydraulic projects, using standard or customized equipment.
HPLEngineering : réalisation de projets hydromécaniques complexes

Our company

Discover HPL Engineering: its areas of expertise, its history, its teams.

Our values

Preserving water, manufacturing in France, enhancing the local economic fabric: discover the values of our company.

Design Office

Nos équipements répondent aux critères de dimensionnement des codes de construction internationaux.

Equipment manufacturing

Our equipment meets the sizing criteria of international construction codes.